Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Novel Studies

Hallelujah, we are on Fall Break!
This is a great time for me to catch up on blogging. So here's what's been going on in our classroom for the last three weeks:
Novel Studies!
We broke up into three groups and each group read a different novel study. The three novel studies we chose for this round were Prince Caspian, Cricket in Times Square, and Liar & Spy. The kids absolutely loved the books! We met every day for 45 minutes to read a portion of the text and complete an activity or discuss the events in the story. At the end of our novel studies (which lasted 3 weeks), students completed a Reading Olympics project. (See my Novel Studies page).
The kids had an absolute BLAST creating their Reading Olympics projects! They worked hard and demonstrated their understanding of the book through plot summaries, character interviews, setting travel brochures, and much more! The students' favorite project was the book buffet, which turned out amazingly.
Check out some of the pictures of the finished projects.